

针对东盟快速增长的物流需求,为客户提供的比拟空运时效却远低于空运成本的跨境陆运方案。方案主要面对越南陆运、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸等陆路相邻国家。 服务内容 卡车运输:境内(含香港、澳门)卡车运输、境外卡车运输 通关服务:进出口报关代理、产地证、清关缴税、出口退税 服务范围 中国、越南、柬埔寨、老挝、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚、新加坡 安全性 严格的运输线路安排 GPS、电子锁全程监控 高额的货物运输保险以及车辆保险 时效和便捷性 装车时间:24H车辆全天不设作息 通关时间:周一至周六海关不设作息 操作时间:365天我们不设作息 以深圳-河内为例:从深圳装货完成到河内抵达卸货全程仅需24H 先后在深圳、厦门、宁波、上海、青岛、武汉、肇庆,韶关,河源,湛江,中山,佛山,聊城,墨西哥,哥伦比亚等地设立了20家分公司及办事处,建立起覆盖中国、遍及全球主要经济区域的代理及服务网络。2014年,海德(广州)国际物流集团有限公司哥伦比亚公司和墨西哥公司成立,哥伦比亚公司和墨西哥公司致力于为中国到南美贸易提供全面的物流解决方案,分支机构将覆盖哥伦比亚、墨西哥,乃至整个南美洲; 并在墨西哥,哥伦比亚为亚马逊FBA卖家提供FBA头程运输、FBA代清关、FBA退换标,短期仓储等FBA一条龙的多样化、个性化的头程服务;同年,拉丁电商公司的成立标志着海德(广州)国际物流集团有限公司国际化战略又一个崭新的里程碑,为打造多平台联动的产品服务提供了基础支撑,以物流整体解决方案为前提,根据不同属性客户的需求,通过模块化组合方式,提供适配的物流产品和解决方案,并全力推动网络化、平台化、产品化的战略布局



仓储配送寶利萬能提供专业的仓储与配送服务,我司有多年的中转仓储经验,不管您的货物是经公路、铁路还是水路运到仓库,我们都能安全接货,并根椐您的需要进行分唛、打托盘,服务质量好、收费合理。拖车服务我司可为您提供整柜普通柜、带发电机的冷冻柜和散货普通车、海关监管车系列运输服务,具有很强内陆运力,在旺季亦可保障您出货计划的顺利执行。报关服务在盐田港、蛇口港、文锦渡、外运仓、清水河仓库等口岸拥有自己的报关公司,可代客户办理进出口报关、代办商检、动植检、保险、FORM A、 C/O、熏蒸证书和特殊货物的通关等服务。       我司可为您提供整柜普通柜、带发电机的冷冻柜和散货普通车、海关监管车系列运输服务,具有很强内陆运力,在旺季亦可保障您出货计划的顺利执行。A: A freight forwarder is a company used by businesses to arrange and handle the movement of domestic and international air, ocean or ground shipments from point of origin to point of destination, as well as, to assist importers and exporters to transport their commercial goods from one international location to another.While the freight forwarder may not actually move the freight itself, it acts as an intermediary between the client and various transportation services. TCG ensures that goods arrive at the right location, on-time and on budget, by acting as an intermediary to ensure cooperation between the customer and all involved airlines or carriers. Core responsibilities are to identify the best routes, advise on various modes of transport, as well as, to negotiate freight rates with the airlines and carriers to move cargo economically, via the best shipment points.



中文名土耳其共和国 [1] 外文名The Republic of Turkey简    称土耳其所属洲亚洲、欧洲首    都安卡拉 [1] 主要城市伊斯坦布尔,伊兹密尔,布尔萨,阿达纳,加济安泰普,安塔利亚等 [1] 国庆日1923年10月29日国    歌《独立进行曲》 [1] 国家代码TUR官方语言土耳其语 [1] 货    币新土耳其里拉、辅币库鲁 [1] 时    区UTC+3 [3] 政治体制总统制共和制国家领袖雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(总统) [1] 人口数量8300 万(2019年12月) [1] 人口密度106.96 人/平方公里(2018年) [4] 主要民族土耳其人、库尔德人 [1] 主要宗教伊斯兰教-逊尼派 [1] 国土面积783600 km²水域率1.3%GDP总计7665.09亿美元(2018年,国际汇率) [5] 人均GDP9311美元(2018年,国际汇率) [5] 国际电话区号90国际域名缩写.tr道路通行靠右行驶国    鸟红翼鸫国家格言“祖国安宁,世界太平”货币换算(1) South American routes: route without U.S. Airways: Chilean Air-LA, Australian aviation-QF, Air New Zealand-NZ, British Airways-BA, Air France-AF, etc.;(2) European routes: China Southern Airlines-CZ, CX-CX, Singapore Airlines SQ, EVA Air-BR, Thai Airways-TG, Emirates-EK, UPS and aviation;(3) Middle Eastern airlines: Emirates-EK, Saudi Arabian Airlines-SV, Cathay Pacific Airways-CX, cartel-QR, etc.; (4) North American routes: EVA Air-BR, Korean-KE, China Southern Airlines-CZ , China International Aviation-CA, UPS aviation lights;(5) routes in Southeast Asia: Singapore Airlines-SQ, CX-CX, China Airlines CI, Philippine Airlines PR Aviation, India-AI, Thailand-TG, etc.;(6) Australia route: Australian-QF, NZ-NZ, Chile-LA, etc.;More than 30 Division I and playing board aviation, fixed accommodation, around the world nearly 500 international airports. Which the European (nearly 200 airports) USA and Canada (nearly 130 airport) Asia / Australia (nearly 80 airports) Africa (nearly 50 airports) South America (nearly 50 airports).Second, the international express (FEDEX / UPS / DHL / TNT / EMS / Middle East ARAMEX / Hong Kong packet / Singapore EMS, etc.) 3-4 days around the world(A) no customs declaration can be exported;(2) be able to take a variety of built-in battery of electronic products, batteries can go pure goods; such as: the entire mobile phone, notebook computer batteries, LED, etc.;(3) to the Middle East 21 countries, Aramex courier DHL faster than lower prices, greater clearance;Third, international shipping (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong)(A) no customs declaration (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong packet counters can be shipped)(2) co shipping companies: COSCO, APL, HANJIN, PIL, WANGHAI, MSC, etc.(3) 20,000 square warehouse and advanced electronic warehouse management system, can in our warehouse loading, sealed cabinet, inspection, etc.Shipping channel selection method:1 general cargo (no brand clothing, domestic products in China Customs no record of foreign brand goods, etc.): If to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries can choose our company's international line, customs clearance speed, timeliness assurance, low prices;2, foam goods can first choose EMS, because EMS excluding bulbs (peripheral length can not be more than 2.5 meters) can save large sums of money to receive the goods: clothing, bags, shoes, electronic products, all kinds of crafts, golf.3, fake cards and other goods (the post office to send items except limit), you can choose EMS, then according to a recent post offices, the customs clear conditions Select shipping offices4, if aging requires a larger, general cargo can reach international line Leader, DHL, UPS, FEDEX.新土耳其里拉=100库鲁人类发展指数0.759(世界第69),2014年注    音ㄊㄨˇ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧˊ主要学府伊斯坦布尔大学、马尔马拉大学



具有阿联酋、沙特、科威特、卡塔尔、阿曼、巴林、伊朗、印度、利比亚、南非、等多条专线优势,提供完善的门到门双清含税服务,为广大客户定制专业的个性化物流解决方案。提供优质专业的清关服务,目的地专人负责清关与跟进,清关异常代处理功能,为货物安全稳妥地从中国运送至各地提供保障。为用户提供目的地清关文件,各种备案认证和清关完税服务,简化手续,增进效率,为客户开拓市场提供有力的物流保障。 import and export goods customs clearance services: According to the customer to provide a series of information on import and export customs clearance services, according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of the goods agent import and export business. Involved in temporary import and export goods, returned goods, repair items import and export, processing trade, bonded goods, goods sample advertising, general trade and other import and export goods; ★ inspection: I Division to provide three inspection agency business, including commodity inspection, phytosanitary, health inspection and food inspection declaration, payment, inspection, sampling, release, certificates and other services. Involving temporary import and export goods, returned goods, repair items import and export, dangerous goods packaging inspection, import and export goods seizure, illegal inspection, electronic transfer orders, etc. ★ fumigation: the import and export country customs, the relevant inspection and quarantine institutions, industry laws and regulations, to be carried out on the goods or packaging fumigation or disinfection, I can charge for the customer fumigation / disinfection certificate.







是经商务部批准的一级国际货运代理企业。 公司主要提供港到港、港到门、门到港、门到门的全程国际物流服务,包括仓储运输、国内转运、代理订舱、各类进出口货物的海运、空运,铁路运输和国际多式联运业务等。公司和MSK、MSC、WHL、MCC、APL、SITC、YML、PIL、CMA、COSCO、NYK等船公司长期签约,拥有航线和价格双重优势。在主要港区设有办事机构并和全国各地和世界各国(地区)众多货运公司互为代理,形成集船代、货代、仓储为一体的专业化、多功能、综合性的物流企业。为您精心设计了多种海运、空运、公路及铁路的单项运输服务或综合立体物流服务解决方案。



海运危险品装柜:关于 海运危险品装柜 服务 国际专业处理2类,3类,4类,5类,6类,7类,8类,9类化学危险品的进出口运输服务,自有危险品拖车,吨车及联营的危险品存放仓库,危险品集装箱存放堆场,及多家化学危险品专业报关合作伙伴--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------集装箱运输:利用香港、深圳、广州三大国际港口班轮密集的优势,配备内陆拖车、中港拖车和驳船接驳服务,不管船期要求多么紧迫,海岸国际物流都能够为客户提供灵活多样的选择,包括不同的起运港口,如赤湾、盐田、黄埔、香港;不同--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------仓储服务:海岸仓储服务 海岸国际物流仓库 占地面积18000万平方米,邻近下元铁路专线及黄埔主枢纽货运堆场中远货运集装箱站,毗邻广深高速,京珠高速,交通便利,处于交通主枢纽的连接处,距黄埔新旧港10分钟车程,通深圳盐田港蛇口港必经之路———————————  关于我们  ———————————ABOUT USAD0Irsj6BRAEGAAg-dixwwUo4NOXoAYwowM4pQM各地整车运输TRANSPORT物流有限公司承接珠江三角洲至上海、北京、哈尔滨、全国各地的整车、零担货物运输业务。AD0Irsj6BRAEGAAgi8eywwUoru3XxwIwYDhXAD0Irsj6BRAEGAAgk8eywwUoqLv57AMwYDhXAD0Irsj6BRAEGAAgnceywwUojc6SpgIwYDhX贵重物品押送本公司运输能力强,实力雄厚,价格合理,我公司可根据实际货量交纳一定的风险押金,贵重物品可派专人押运。完善供应管理依托雄厚的货物运输、岸产资源、海外机构的整体实力,延伸和完善物流供应链管理,赢得客户的信赖。    Our various stations, located in the heart of the Hong Kong airport, which are made up of efficient teams of sales and operational professionals.    Our teams of specialists located in Hong Kong are at your disposal 24 hours every day to answer your specific needs.     New Divine Land Logistics (SZ) Ltd is a "Class A" Forwarding Company-approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy Cooperation of P.R. China to operate international Ocean & Air freight forwarding business. Our company is also a NVOCC certificate holder issued by the Ministry of Communication of People's Republic of China. Furthermore, The company is the member of FIATA and CIFA.    We provide the following services: Ocean freight & airfreight from/to China to all destinations of the world; distribution of imported goods to mainland China; inland transportation ; Customs clearance agent; Commodities inspection; cargo insurance; issuing B/L for Ocean freight and airfreight.    We have got experienced, dedicated shipping personnel who focus on offering the third party logistics services.    We always stick to the business philosophy:" Scrupulousness, Practicality, Aggressiveness, Creativeness" .We dedicate ourselves to provide our clients with highly efficient, cost saving and value added services and hence become their first choice:Perspective Long-term plan: We will focus on international Ocean freight and airfreight business and integrating trucking, Customs clearance and warehousing into a large-sized modern logistics enterpriseService Tenet: Offer customers a better service and hence become their first choiceBusiness Philosophy: Scrupulousness, Practicality, Aggressiveness, Creativeness


Sea transportUNITED STATES

提供全套的中港运输服務,熟练敬业的客服人員全程跟单。长期提供从香港进口大棕货物、快件到中国内地的中港运输业务及海外抵港货物代收代转运业务(包含香港本港清关,机场, 码头,货仓的提货,进口包含税金,代垫国外到香港的各种运营杂费)。中国内地2-3天可送货上门服务。
   在香港专业提供上门提货、装卸、派送、入仓、吨车、拖柜、租柜、拆柜、拼柜、转柜,以及大型机械和设备的吊装和运输服务。熟练敬业的的客服文员全程跟单,为客户节省了时间,提高了运输效率。 可按客人要求,用 “快件报关”无出口报关文件、或“一般贸易报关”、“集中报关”、“转关”、“封关” 的方式将货物安全快捷送达目的地。
    我司与KE,CA,CS,CZ,FX,SQ,AF等多家航空公司建立长期稳定合作关系, 提供即时的航班动态,最优惠运费,为滿足不同客戶不同需求提供最有力的保障。
   我们是DHL.、TNT、UPS、FEDEX 、EMS等多家知名快递公司的专业代理, 能够依据客户的要求,为客户提供安全、及时的门到港, 门到门服务。可以按照客户的要求, 客户灵活选择到货时间; 可以上门提货或客户自行送货;可以从大陆出货也可以从香港出货;提供门到港或门到门的服务。
    我司与COSCO,APL,CMA,MSC,CHINASHIPPING,MAERSK,EVERGREEN, TSLINE等大型船公司已有多年合作以及长期期合作的伙伴关系,可为客戶提供优质,专业,快捷的集装箱国际海运代理服务。
   我公司和船公司建立良好的合作关系, 为扩大内需, 开通全国沿海地区内贸海运整柜集装箱门到门一条龙服务.提供从黄埔、蛇口等通往海口、厦门、泉州、宁波、上海、南京、张家港、南通、连云港、日照、青岛、烟台、天津、大连、营口等并能延伸到内地的门到门的内贸集装箱的往返运输服务.
Develop multimodal transport operations, the use of various modes of transport of their own inherent economic, in the lowest cost to provide a comprehensive "one-stop" service.
Provide the following services:
Sea transport
Sea and air transport
Ethernet shipping with BYD to establish a long-term and stable cooperation, the use of rail transport carrier BYD factory in Xi'an to the African market of multimodal transport operations.

国际快递 :我司是东莞区DHL FEDEX UPS TNT一级代理权 价格在同行业中享有一级代理折扣,快件优先操作,时效保证上门服务, 全天候、全过程跟踪查询
中港进出口专线: 我司拥有各吨位吨港车及货柜拖头数十部每天往返中港两地,在东莞和香港都有大型仓库及散货运输车队,专业提供上门提货、装卸、派送、入仓等运输服务,我们的时效保证,只要在晚上12点前交货我司承运,第二天中午12点前到港,大部份货物可在15点前派送或入仓,最迟在下午17点前全部派送或入仓完毕(因不可抗力因素除外)。









